Spring/Summer: March 10 – June 27, 2025
Autumn: August 4 – November 21, 2025
(dates vary depending on campus)Winter Break: December, January, February :: Summer Break: July
Our program is geared toward students ages 4 to 15 years old. Siblings that are younger than our target age range for the program are welcome to accompany their on-site parent, and will be the parent’s sole responsibility, and will remain with the on-site parent at all times. Parents are responsible to provide learning supplies & field trip fees etc for unenrolled siblings. Please be sure to read the Parent Handbook to ensure that you and your young child are able to abide by our guidelines.
Application Fee: $0 (free to apply; application does not guarantee your spot)
Registration Fee: $75 per family annually (paid upon acceptance of application)
Each Enrolling Student: $149/month per student
- Do you have more than 4 students enrolling? Fifth+ child: FREE
*Tuition covers all proprietary curriculum, insurance, activity & learning supplies, & field trip fees for enrolled students*
All tuition is paid in advance, on a monthly or semesterly basis. Tuition and membership fees are non-refundable. Review our Parent Handbook for more details.
Space is limited… each campus only accepts a certain number of Forest Scouts. Apply now!