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Homemade Organic Mullein Garlic Ear Oil

mullein garlic ear oil, homemade, organic, natural health

Mullein + garlic = amazing for ear health!

mullein garlic ear oil, homemade, organic, natural health

Mullein Garlic Ear Oil is my favorite go-to for any issues with ears! From dogs and cats to kids and adults, mullein garlic ear oil is amazing for supporting ear health without the use of pHarmaceuticals. A few drops of this oil has helped so many folks in the holistic community. How do you make it at home, you ask? Let’s do it!

Exodus Wild’s Homemade Mullein Garlic Ear Oil


  • organically-grown mullein leaves; fresh or dried; chopped
  • organic minced garlic
  • organic olive oil
  • glass jar with lid
  • sharp knife or scissors (you are responsible for your own safety)


Fill your jar to about 1/3 full of minced garlic. Then add chopped mullein leaves to fill the rest of the jar. Add oil until the jar is full, with oil sitting on top of the matter. Let it rest awhile, allowing the oil to gradually sink to the bottom of the jar (you may need to top it off with more oil once it settles). Then put the lid on and let the jar sit in a cool, dark place (pantry, cabinet, countertop out of sunlight etc) for 6-8 weeks. Strain, keeping the oil. Pour the oil into dropper bottles, label, and date. You did it!

To Use:

Using a dropper, holding the head to the side with the affected ear facing up, & drip a few drops into the ear. (*Make sure the eardrum is NOT perforated first.* Do not put anything into an ear that has a burst eardrum.) Hold in that position for a few minutes, allowing the oil to get into the ear canal. Slowly lift head and resume normal activities. Some of the oil will probably drain out of the ear; this is okay. Repeat as needed.

mullein garlic ear oil organic homemade natural health

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