Strawberry time is one of my absolute favorite seasons! I love fruit jams because they’re so easy. I like to make different jams and jellies and preserves, but my top favorite has got to be STRAWBERRY! There’s just something special about popping open a jar (from a year or two prior), of homemade organic strawberry jam. So without further ado, let’s get making!
I make two types of strawberry jam, depending on the ingredients that I have on hand, as well as the time I have available to spend on canning that day.
So please find below two recipes for homemade organic strawberry jam: one WITH PECTIN, and one WITHOUT.
Homemade Organic Strawberry Jam (no pectin)
2 quarts of organic strawberries
6 cups of organic sugar
(there may be substitutes for sugar, such as monkfruit etc, so do your due diligence before making subs to this recipe.)

Wash the strawberries if you so choose; drain. Remove the green stems. I chop up my berries so they are easily smushed (yes that is the official term around my house!). Bring over your large saucepot (I prefer a tall stockpot, because if your jam boils over, it’s not very fun to clean sticky hot or dried jam off of the stove… but I wouldn’t know from my own previous experiences or anything, mmMmmm NOPE! haha)
It’s easiest to crush the strawberries one layer at a time in the pot (so cover the bottom of the pot in berries; crush them all; add the next layer; crush those; repeat). Add the sugar all at once to the strawberry mixture in the stockpot. Bring slowly to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Cook rapidly until it gels. As the strawberry mixture thickens, stir often to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot. Remove from heat. Skim off the foam if you so choose (I don’t, as I’m not trying to win a blue ribbon at a state fair with these jars). Ladle the hot jam into jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace at the top. Add the lid and ring to the jar, to fingertip tightness. Process for 15 minutes in waterbath canner. Done!

Homemade Organic Strawberry Jam (with pectin)
2 quarts organic strawberries
6 tablespoons classic pectin
1/4 organic lemon juice
7 cups organic sugar (or sub; see recipe above)
Wash the strawberries if you so choose; drain. Remove the green stems. I chop up my berries so they are easily smushed (yes that is the official term around my house!). Bring over your large saucepot (I prefer a tall stockpot).
It’s easiest to crush the strawberries one layer at a time in the pot (so cover the bottom of the pot in berries; crush them all; add the next layer; crush those; repeat). Add the pectin and lemon juice to the strawberry mixture in the stockpot. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Add the sugar all at once to the strawberry mixture in the stockpot. Bring slowly to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Return to a rolling boil. Boil hard for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim off the foam if you so choose (I don’t, as I’m not trying to win a blue ribbon at a state fair with these jars). Ladle the hot jam into jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace at the top. Add the lid and ring to the jar, to fingertip tightness. Process for 10 minutes in waterbath canner. Done!